Montreal, December 12, 2013

Press Release

Winter electricity demand: Hydro-Québec provides clarification following an article published in La Presse

Montréal, December 12, 2013 – Hydro-Québec wishes to provide important clarifications following an article published in La Presse on December 11, titled Hydro prévoit un autre hiver difficile [Hydro expects another tough winter].
First, it is inaccurate to claim that Hydro-Québec’s system will not be able to meet electricity demand this winter. As stated in its report to the Régie de l’énergie, Hydro-Québec expects peak power demand to reach some 37,500 MW this winter. To meet this demand, Hydro-Québec has access to more than 41,000 MW of power.

In order to meet peak winter demand, Hydro-Québec purchases power from neighboring systems at times. Energy exchanges between Hydro-Québec and its neighboring systems are common practice. In turn, neighboring U.S. systems can rely on our power deliveries to the meet their summer peak consumption needs. Rather than reflect difficulties as the article suggests, these energy interchanges ensure the optimal integration of production on a regional scale.

Energy surpluses

Moreover, the current energy surpluses are essentially associated with the commissioning of several wind farms in Québec of the past five years. Because wind power varies according to the intensity of the wind, this energy source cannot be factored in to meet peak demand with absolute certainty. Wind farms generate power throughout the year, but not necessarily during the hours of peak consumption periods in winter.

A flawed comparison

The article’s comparison with other Canadian provinces and American states is flawed. It is in fact completely inaccurate to compare Québec’s energy needs in winter to those of neighboring provinces or states. Contrary to its neighboring jurisdictions, more than 70% of Québec households are heated with electricity. Far from being dire, this situation is advantageous, given that hydropower is a clean and renewable energy source.

At all times, Hydro-Québec acts in a responsible and economically sound manner to meet its customers’ energy needs.



Patrice Lavoie
Public Affairs and Media
514 289-2097

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