Montréal, November 28, 2019
Press Release
Johanne Duhaime is named Canadian Chief Information Officer of the Year
Johanne Duhaime, Vice President — Information and Communication Technologies at Hydro-Québec, is the recipient of the Chief Information Officer of the Year Award for the Public Sector in Canada. She was awarded this title by the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) at a ceremony in Toronto.
This award is presented annually to two leaders in the field of information technology, one from the private and one from the public sector. She was one of eight finalists in the Public Sector category.
“We applaud Johanne and are particularly delighted that she has been awarded the prestigious honor of Canadian CIO of the Year,” said Éric Martel, President and CEO of Hydro-Québec. “An experienced manager, she has distinguished herself by seeing out a number of major innovation-driven projects and transitions. She has brought real added value to the company, particularly as regards gains in productivity. The fact that ITC is at the heart of the company’s current transformation is largely due to her foresight.”
The achievements of Ms. Duhaime and her team speak for themselves. In 2015, she launched the implementation of a five-year plan to improve productivity and efficiency and to ensure a review of working methods. In under three years, this plan had produced impressive results in terms of efficiency and performance.
Under her leadership, productivity has seen a significant increase. Three projects led by Ms. Duhaime earned Hydro-Québec OCTAS awards from the Réseau Action TI, recognizing their creativity and innovation. An excellent example of this is the Outages tool, which provides customers with real-time information during service interruptions.
In addition, the My Consumption Profile was also the winner of the OCTAS Coup de cœur prize, which was awarded following a vote by our customers. This tool allows customers to track their electricity usage online.
“Kudos to Johanne Duhaime,” said David Murray, Chief Operating Officer of Hydro-Québec and President of Hydro-Québec Production. “Her strategic planning leadership in information and communications technology is at the root of improvements that have had positive impacts throughout the government-owned company, and will continue to do so for years to come.”
About ITAC
The Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) champions the Canadian information and communications technology sector. ITAC is dedicated to the development of a robust and sustainable digital economy in Canada and provides a vital connection between business and government.
About Hydro-Québec
Hydro-Québec, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, is one of the largest producers of clean energy on the planet. Over 99% of our electricity comes from clean and renewable sources. It offers its customers the lowest residential electricity rates in North America, while paying a substantial dividend to the Québec government each year.
Francis Labbé
514 289-5005